Resultaten SKIVARYD 2011, nationale tentoonstelling Zweden/België (8-10/4/2011)


Thematische Filatelie


Johann Vandenhaute (B)                  From abacus to laptop                                                                                    Goud                      91

Yannick Delaey (B)                              Mail in motion – a primary function of the railroads                  Goud                      90

Willy Bats (B)                                       The omnibus – a vehicle for all                                                                        Grootvermeil       88

Jean-Pierre Suys (B)                           Fascinant, intrigant, passionant, sportif : le Tennis                                   Vermeil                 82

Owe Svahn (S)                                     The evolution of Seagoing Sailing Ships                                                        Grootzilver           78


Open Klasse

Gunnar Dahlvig (S)                            Viking Time                                                                                                         Grootvermeil       88

Ulla Lundquist (S)                              Falun – mer än gruva ch korv                                                                          Vermeil                 82

Ida Van Rillaer (B)                               Under the spell of the horse                                                                            Vermeil                 82

Marleen Audoor (B)                           Heraldry                                                                                                              Vermeil                 81

Hans Svensson (S)                              Nu åker vi till Indien- I tid och rum                                                                  Vermeil                 80

Ronny Van der Reeth (B)                  What…? After all the work is done                                                               Vermeil                                80

Per Bunnstad (S)                                Horda, här är jag född                                                                                      Grootzilver           77

OlleOsson (S)                                      Tre resor med vetenskapliga mål                                                                    Grootzilver           75

Ulla Wengraf (S)                                 Birgitta Birgersdotter                                                                                         Grootzilver           75

Ulla Wengraf (S)                                 Min svenska historia                                                                                         Zilver                     73

Ulla Wengraf (S)                                 Gestalter ur medeltiden                                                                                    Zilver                     71

Nils Lindmark (S)                                               Some Norwegian Lighthouse Stations                                                            Verzilverd brons 68

Bertil Ljungh (S)                                  Rådjur – De små markernas högvilt                                                                Verzilverd brons 68


Resultaten 5de ECTP (European Championship for Thematic Philately), Essen, 5-7/5/2011  


European Champion: Jari Majander (FIN), The Wheels of Chance – the bicycling society


Class 1: Arts and Culture (Kunst & Cultuur)


1. Michel Meuwis (B)                         Apprenez-Moi La Littérature Française                                                                       Goud      93

2. Torsten Eckel (D)                            Albrecht Dürer – Unternehmer der Renaissance                                                           Zilver     89

3. Ulla Kemppilä (FIN)                       Story of a book – from the author to the consumer                                                     Brons     88

4. Danny Jimmink (NL)                      Step by step to dancing                                                                                                                 87

5. Hans Grossglaus (D)                     Musikinstrumente – Klangquellen des Musizierens                                                                     85

5. Richard Wheeler (GB)                   Masks, Mimes and the Evolution of Puppets                                                                               85

7. Zohar Noy (IL)                                 The Movie is about to begin – kindly take your seat                                                                   83


Class 2: History and Organsations (Geschiedenis & Organisaties)


1. Thomas Radzuweit (D)                  Verfolgung – Widerstand – Holocaust                                                                           Goud      90

2. Jeffrey Groeneveld (NL)               Duty and Servitude – A History of the Netherlands and the O.N. Queens            Zilver      89

3. Dirk Speksnyder (NL)                     George Washington – founding father of the United States                                      Brons     88

4. Peter Dunai (H)                               Hungarian Holy Kings                                                                                                                      87

5. Ulrich H. Jobsky (D)                       Die Reformation des Dr Martin Luther – das ist mehr als der Anschlag von 70 Thesen         86

6. Lawrence Fisher (IL)                      Jewish Homeland – The struggle for survival                                                                85

7. Anders Olason (S)                          The American Civil War 1861-1865 – background source of events and aftermath             83

8. John Dehé (NL)                A City Wall of Water – The Defence Line (Stelling) of Amsterdam                                            82

9. Alain Israel (F)                                               The Red Cross from Solferino to modern times                                                                             81

10. Geada de Sousa (P)                     Portuguese overseas expansion                                                                                                     80

10. Leopold Hölzl (A)                         Feuer – ein Element und seine Gegner                                                                                           80


Class 3: Man and Everyday Life (De Mens & het Alledaagse Leven)


1. Wolf Hess (D)                                 Life and fate of the American Indians – Native People of the Continental U.S.       Goud      95

2. Mark Bottu (B)                                If you want to be my disciples – Evolution of Western Monastic Life                     Zilver      94

3. Egon Habé (F)                                  Si la boulangerie patisserie m’était contée                                                                    Brons     87

4. Janusz Juskulski (PL)                     Angling – my hobby                                                                                                                         86

5. Sofia Karlsson (S)                          Toys and Games – as preparations for adult life                                                                         84

6. Claudio Grande (I)                         La “Merica” – History of the emigration over ocean                                                                    83

7. Xaver Menze (D)                             “Wenn die bunten Fahnen wehen, …” – Das Fahnen- und Flaggenwesen - ….                       82


Class 4: Sports and Leisure (Sport & Vrije Tijd)


1. Ernst Huhnen (D)                            Running, Jumping, Throwing – 3000 years of athletics                                              Goud      91

2. Estanislac Pan de Alfaro (E)        The Scouting Adventure                                                                                                   Zilver     85

3. Knud Rask Overgaard (DK)          Chess – war on 64 squares                                                                                              Brons     84

4. Valery Zhokhov (RUS)                    The Olympic traditions will live                                                                                                       83

5. Pasquale Polo (I)                           The game of Rugby School                                                                                                              82

6. Rozek Mieczyslaw (PL)                  Towards Mountains Peaks                                                                                                              81

7. Ivan Trancik (SK)                            Women in Sports                                                                                                                              78

8. Artur Banas (H)                              A sport what originates from the Alps – Alpine Skiing                                                70


Class 5: Transport and Technology (Transport & Technologie)


1. Jari Majander (FIN)                       The Wheels of Chance – the bicycling society                                                               Goud      96

2. Rudolf Spieler (A)                           AAA – all about automobiles                                                                                          Zilver     95

3. Vojtech Jankovic (SK)                    My Life as a Bicycle                                                                                                           Brons     92

4. Maria & Werner Driever (D)        Navigation auf alten Segelschiffen                                                                                                88

5. Nico Helling (NL)                            The motorcycle, nostalgia and use                                                                                                 87

6. Izhak Barak (IL)                              The Development of Aviation and Transportation of Mail by Air until 1914                          86

6. John Hayward (GB)                        The Iron Steed                                                                                                                                    86

8. Rainer Erdt (D)                                               Elektrizität – die treibende Kraft im Strom der Zeit                                                                       81

9. George M. Bernard (F)                   Quand la pétrolette devient motocyclette                                                                                     80


Class 6: Medicine and Science (Geneeskunde & Wetenschappen)


1. Marek Zbierski (PL)                       Chemie – Schlüssel für ein besseres Leben                                                                     Goud      92

2. Bengt-Göran Österdahl (S)           The History of Chemistry                                                                                                  Zilver     91

3. Pieter Struik (NL)                           Mother earth – all dynamics                                                                                          Brons     90

4. Faibel Hedy (IL)                              Men and infections disease – a continue fight                                                                             89

5. Gerhard Brosche (D)                     Ut fiat immunitas – History of smallpox immunisation                                                               86

6. Eberhard Schmidt (D)                    Kometen – Asteroide – Meteoroide, Wanderer in unserem Sonnensystem                              85

7. Peter Weir (GB)                              Liquid of Life, „blood, from an ancient myth to a modern medicine“                                       82


Class 7: Animals and Plants (Fauna & Flora)


1. Lesley Marley (GB)                         A Whale’s Tale                                                                                                                   Goud      91

2. Koenraad Bracke (B)                      The natural and unnatural world of owls                                                                   Zilver      89

3. Kurt Gronwald (D)                         Ausgestorben – ausgerottet – bedroht – Das Schicksal der Unpaarhufer Brons     85

4. Giovanni Licata (I)                         The Palm, a Royal Plant                                                                                                                   83

5. Sijtze Douwstra (NL)                      Millions of years of nature encapsulated in stone                                                                       76


Class 8: Agriculture and Pets (Landbouw & Huisdieren)


1. Carlo Lonien (L)                              Tabak… die Pflanze mit den sternförmigen Blüten                                                      Goud      87

2. Ryszard Prange (PL)                       Wine – the gift of gods, sun and soil                                                                              Zilver     86

3. Maria Liseta Barros (P)                                The World of Bacchus                                                                                                       Brons     84

4. Guy Sevin (F)                                   Le Blé                                                                                                                                                  83

5. Susanne Streichsbier (A)              “auf den Hund gekommen” – Der Hund und seine Ahnen als Quelle …                                   80


Class 9: Champions Class


1. Leif W. Rasmussen (DK)                               Animals subjected to Man                                                                                               1ste plaats

2. Lutz König (D)                                  Tauben – artenreich in der Natur – vom Menschen genutzt und verehrt  2de plaats

3. Albrecht Zimmermann (D)            “Kinder – Kinder” – Die ersten 10 Lebensjahre                                                              3de plaats

-. Maurizio Amato (I)                         Romanesque Architecture

-. Peter Suhadolc (SLO)                      The conquest of the unprofitable world – history of mountaineering

Resultaten regionale tentoonstelling Limburg/Antwerpen, Grote Brogel (Peer), 2/4/2011


Thematische Filatelie (jury: Willy Bats, Roeland De Moor, Francis Dochez, Bernard Péters)


Guido Van Briel                                   The story of an idea – In the footsteps of Henry Dunant                          Grootvermeil       86

Martin Rumen                                    Enkele mogelijkheden van intellectuele communicatie                               Vermeil                 84

Martin Rumen                                    Het paard in het dagelijkse leven                                                                   Vermeil                 81

Roger Gaspercic                                 ABC van de gastronomie                                                                                  Vermeil                 80

Huub Koenen                                      De Belgische geschiedenis in een notendop                                  Vermeil                 80

Paul Vossen                                         Ontstaan en ontwikkeling U.P.U.                                                                   Grootzilver           75

Jan Swinnen                                        Van graan tot brood                                                                                         Verzilverd brons 68

Gilbert Peers                                       De wedloop naar de maan                                                                              Verzilverd brons 67

Carina Swinnen                                  Geschiedenis van de astronomie                                                                     Zilver                     62

Edmond Bastiaans                             Kinderen en filatelie in Duitsland                                                                    Diploma

Jhonny Van Dam                                 Belgische spoorwegstempels                                                                           Diploma

Jhonny Van Dam                                 Orient Express                                                                                                    Diploma


Eenvlakverzamelingen (thematisch)


Guido Van Briel                                   Bloed geven … doet leven!                                                                               Grootzilver           79

Josephine Peeters                              De disciplines van de Olympische Winterspelen                                           Zilver                     71

Gilbert Peers                                       De Vlaamse schilderkunst in de 15e-16e eeuw                                              Zilver                     70

Gilbert Peers                                       Leven en werken in de ruimte                                                                          Verzilverd brons 69

Jef Vandenberk                                   Pioniers ontdekken Antarctica                                                                         Verzilverd brons 69

Eric Roosen                                         Dansen                                                                                                                Verzilverd brons 68

Jef Vandenberk                                   Wetenschappelijke stations op Antarctica                                                    Verzilverd brons 68

Martin Rumen                                    Cijfer voor cijfer                                                                                                 Verzilverd brons 67

Fons Schildermans                            Toeristische trekpleisters in Limburg                                                Brons                     60


Leden van Themaphila die deelnamen in andere klassen:

Open klasse:        Guido Van Briel   Namo Buddhaya: Borobudur – Ere zij Boeddha                                           Grootvermeil       88

Ida Van Rillaer    In de ban van het paard                                                                                   Grootvermeil       87

Guido Van Briel   Michelangelo – een genie in zijn tijd … en in de onze                                  Grootvermeil       86

Guido van Briel   Pieter Brueghel de Oude: fenomeen uit de noordelijke Renaissance         Vermeil                 84



Resultaten INDIPEX 2011

(geen Belgische deelnemers in de klasse thematische filatelie, wel internationaal jurylid Jozef Ghys)


Leden van Themaphila die deelnamen in andere klassen:

Postwaardestukken           Aimé Van Landeghem         The Postal Stationary of South Africa 1902-1961        Zilver


Voor een verslag van deze tentoonstelling – zie Belgaphil. 



Philanippon 2011 (28.07-2.08.2011) – geen Belgische deelnemers



Komende internationale tentoonstellingen:

-         Indonesia 2012 -Djakarta / Indonesia (18-25.06.12)  - FIP-tentoonstelling 

-         Bangkok 2013 - Bangkok / Thailand (2-13.08.13)  - FIP-tentoonstelling

-         Australia 2013 - Melbourne / Australia (10-15.05.13) – FIP-tentoonstelling

-         Salon Planète Timbre 2012 Paris / France (juni 2013) – FEPA-tentoonstelling (Europees)